What’s this site all about?
This web site is dedicated to providing the most up to date, accurate, and easily accessible information
surrounding Barenaked Ladies on the world wide web. We aren't the band, the record label, or hired promoters.
This site is run by fans who wish to support and band and wish them increased success.
How long has this site been around?
The earliest form of the site, which later became known as bnl.far.net, emerged in 1997 with only a few graphics
and very simple band information. It was a very basic page which featured next-to-nothing at
members.aol.com/dockers1/bnl.html. Though simple, the site was visited by 27,000 people before
the release of Stunt.
In the summer of 1998 the site took on a new look as well as a new host. It was at this time that bnl.far.net
was established as the new home to "Shaun’s Barenaked Ladies Page". The time was right to move with the summer
shows coming to a close and the excitement building for the upcoming fall tour. This period also marked the
start of the very popular RealAudio files. Since that time the site has had several more remodels and has
added a good deal of new material that is still expanding today.
May of 1999 marked the launch of this site's bulletin board. Since that time the board has seen over 5000 members,
and over 600,000 posts. It remains a very important part of this site and the barenaked
On February 1, 2000 the page moved into www.barenaked.net, and that is where we now call home!
The site faced two setbacks, one in the summer of 2001 and another in the fall of 2005. Both times an
unfortunate server failure resulted in siginificant downtime for the site.
What does the future hold?
The future is looking good! The site continues to grow all the time in order to provide fans with the most
diverse BNL site on the 'net! Check back soon for more updates!
Some Site Facts
We're not as boring as you may think! Here are some interesting bits of
information about our the site!
Established: November 1997
On TV: Finalist, 2000 My VH1 Music Awards for Best Fan Site
In Print: Entertainment Weekly November 17, 2000