I know what you're thinking. "Why should I leave and visit other pages?!" It's okay to go and check out other pages
for a change of pace, just remember to come back soon. Below are some of our favorite links to sites that are
friends of barenaked.net and it's administrators.
DCP - Drums, Chicken, and Poop.
The best big time Tyler Stewart site out there. Really funny, and the artwork is fantastic!
mysd.org - It (still) grabs you.
BNLFTP - Very large source of out-of-print, rare,
and live material. The site is maintained by barenaked.net member Macoland.
Swiss Barenaked Ladies Fanpage - Nice (the only?)
Swiss fan site maintained by barenaked.net member swiss lady.
Travel's of a Nakedhead - Yes, "nakedhead" is a word.
Jeska's spiffy site which features the one and only "Nakedhead" fan zine. Check out the only BNL fan zine
approved by the band members themselves! Ed says, "This zine rules". Yeah, that's right..you'd
better agree with Ed.
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